It happened back in 2005. And it happened in the States, where there got to be a mysterious book, hidden somewhere, away from public consultancy, that clearly states what to say and what to not.
There was this elementary school bus driver that was fired after sharing some facts about embryonic stem cell research with students, and then encouraged them to tell their parents about it. Her name was Julianne Thompson, and she told students in November 2005 that embryonic stem cell research had not produced a single human cure in 23 years, echoing some article she previuosly read.
Some parents complained and school officials in Buffalo fired the driver.
Superintendent Thomas Ramming said employees are actually told that political and religious discussions should be confined to classrooms, where different viewpoints can be presented, but Thompson said there is nothing in her contract that prohibits her from expressing facts or opinions.
"I learned that free speech is definitely not free," Thompson said.
And I believe it would have happened the same if she'd been bold enough to approach one of the youngsters with the gospel, or would have dare to preach Christ to anyone in the bus, maybe showing them candidly about the creation, some majestic clouds or beautiful landscape... freedom of speech... peanuts...!
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